Guan Yin.
Also known as :
Kwan Yin, The Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin the compassionate, Kuan-shih Yin, The Fairy of Heaven
From :
Putuo Mountain
Features :
Looks suspiciously like a man…. In a dress
Weapons :
Hui-an - ‘her’ Heavenly bodyguard
Skills :
Can appear in any form in all six realms of existence to relieve the suffering of the sentient beings who live there. Can chant quietly when the demon kicking begins, hear all the cries of the world and save you from all eight kinds of disaster.
Traits : Compassion
Details :
Kwan Yin is a Bodhisattva, meaning although he/she has achieved total enlightenment, has decided to stay on in physical form to help the needy. She singled out Tripitaka as the one to go to India and collect the Great Vehicle Scriptures. As far as fights go...she’s about as much use a one legged man in a butt kicking contest - prefers to sit and chant, summoning pretty things like Lotus petals, while Hui-an gets busy.
The Bodhisattva Guan Yin or Kuan Yin, commonly called the Goddess of Mercy, is China’s favorite divine being. Her name means “heeding the cry.” She hears and helps all those who cry out to her in need. Known in the series as ‘the Fairy of Heaven’ (one of the many tongue in cheek moments, as she was played by a he...but wore a dress!).
About the actor :
Consulting The Great Sage - answers imminent (hopefully!)
Uk tv voice-over :
Consulting The Great Sage - answers imminent (hopefully!)